

The post is the note based on the textbook Fundamentals of Physics written by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker (ISBN: 978-1-118-23072-5)

Some particular symbols are introduced to describe some properties, as listed below.

Symbol Table

Symbol Meaning
🎒 Already learned in middle school
Key point of some contents

The post is done individually by Ryker Zhu from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, published under the license CC BY-NC-SA. CC BY-NC-SA


school_satchel: International System of Units (Français: Système international d'unités) (Abbr. SI), i.e. metric system.
Symbol Name Quantity
\(s\) second time
\(m\) meter length
\(kg\) kilogram mass
\(A\) ampere electric current
\(K\) kelvin thermodynamic temperature
\(mol\) mole amount of substance
\(cd\) candela luminous intensity


Vector & Scalar

flowchart LR
  A(Physical Quantities) --- B(Vector Quantities) & C(Scalars)
  B --- D(Magnitude) & E(Direction)

🎒 Component: Projection of the vector on an axis.

  • Vector component : \(a_x\hat{i},\,a_y\hat{j}\)
  • (Scalar) component : \(a_x,\,a_y\)

🎒 Scalar Product or Dot Product: spoken as "a dot b" \[\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=a\cdot b \cos\phi\] \(a\) - magnitude of the vector \(\vec{a}\);
\(\phi\) - angle between \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\).

Vector Product or Cross Product: spoken as "a cross b"

  • Magnitude

    \[c=a\cdot b \sin\phi\] \(c\) - magnitude of the vector \(\vec{c}\);
    \(\phi\) - smaller of the two angles between \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\).

  • Direction

    Perpendicular to the plane containing \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\).
    Determine with right-hand rule, right-hand fingers swap \(\vec{a}\) into \(\vec{b}\).

Position and Displacement

🎒 Kinematics: (/,kɪnɪ'mætɪks/ or /kaɪnə'mætɪks]/) Classification and comparison of motions.

🎒 Particle: Point-like object

Projectile Motion

A particle moves in a vertical plane with some initial velocity, but its acceleration is always the free-fall acceleration, which is downward.

Such a particle is called projectile /prəˈdʒektaɪl/ and its motion is called projectile motion.

Horizontal Motion: \[x-x_0=v_{0x}t=\left(v_0\cos\theta_0\right)t\] Vertical Motion: \[y-y_0=v_{0y}-\frac{1}{2}gt^2\]

The Equation of the Path (Trajectory /trəˈdʒektəri/): \[y=\left(\tan\theta_0\right)x-\frac{g}{2\left(v_0\cos\theta_0\right)^2}x^2\] The equation is also the one of parabola /pəˈræbələ/ so the path is parabolic.


Newtonian Mechanics: The relation between a force and the acceleration it causes

🎒 Newton's three primary laws of motion

Net Force or Resultant Force: Adding all forces acted on the same body

Principle of superposition for forces: A single force that has the same magnitude and direction as the calculated net force would then have the same effect as all the individual forces.

Newton's laws is not always true unless in inertial /ɪˈnɜːʃl/ reference frames.

Newton’s First Law

If no net force acts on a body (\(\overrightarrow{F_\mathrm{net}}=0\)), the body’s velocity cannot change; that is, the body cannot accelerate.

Newton’s Second Law

The net force on a body is equal to the product of the body’s mass and its acceleration.


The acceleration component along a given axis is caused only by the sum of the force components along that same axis, and not by force components along any other axis.

Forces in Equilibrium: Any forces on the body balance one another, and both the forces and the body are said to be in equilibrium (/ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm/ or /ˌekwɪˈlɪbriəm/).

Newton’s Third Law

When two bodies interact, the forces on the bodies from each other are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Particular Forces

🎒 Normal Force

When a body presses against a surface, the surface (even a seemingly rigid one) deforms and pushes on the body with a normal force \(\overrightarrow{F_N}\) that is perpendicular to the surface.

🎒 Frictional force

The force on a body when the body slides or attempts to slide along a surface. The force is always parallel to the surface and directed so as to oppose the sliding. On a frictionless surface, the frictional force is negligible.

  • If the body does not slide, the frictional force \(f_s\) is a static frictional force.
    • The magnitude of \(f_s\) has a maximum value \(f_{s,max}\) given by \[f_{s,max}=\mu_sF_N\]
      • \(\mu_s\) - coefficient of static friction
      • \(F_N\) - magnitude of the normal force.
  • If there is sliding, the frictional force is a kinetic frictional force.
    • The magnitude of the frictional force rapidly decreases to a constant value \(f_k\) given by \[f_k=\mu_kF_N\]
      • \(\mu_k\) - coefficient of kinetic friction

Drag Force

When there is relative motion between air (or some other fluid) and a body, the body experiences a drag force \(\vec{D}\) that opposes the relative motion and points in the direction in which the fluid flows relative to the body.

The magnitude of D: \[D=\frac{1}{2}C\rho Av^2\] - \(C\) - an experimentally determined drag coefficient - \(\rho\) - the fluid density (mass per unit volume) - \(A\) - the effective cross-sectional area of the body (the area of a cross section taken perpendicular to the relative velocity \(\vec{v}\)).

Energy & Work

Center of Mass & Linear Momentum

Rotation & Angular Momentum




The Kinetic Theory of Gases

The Law of Thermodynamics


Gauss's Law

DC Circuits

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields Due to Currents

Induction & Inductance

Electromagnetic Oscillations & Alternating Current

Maxwell's Equations; Magnetism of Matter

Electromagnetic Waves



Quantum Physics

Conduction of Electricity in Solids

Ryker Zhu